Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Week Three: Taking Good Care

Silver....I am not too proud to admit that I am in that age category now!
Well....this week I want to spend some time talking about taking care of myself. Some people may consider this a "selfish" topic....but if you don't do it, no one else is going to do it for you!! These Centrum "Silver" vitamins were given to me on my last birthday (54 for those who are counting) as a joke!  But I have been taking them, so I am not sure who the joke is on...them for giving them to me (and I'm using them) or me for being old enough to need them??!!  Oh well....the label does say 50+ and my birth certificate shows that I qualify!  
Yes...I DO need a daily pill box to make sure that I remember to take them!
Another pill that I take daily (not necessarily by choice) is for hypo-thyroidism.  I was diagnosed back in 1997, took every color of pill under the sun trying to get it regulated---ended up flipping me to hyper-thyroid before I finally got fed up and just quit.  I was running quite a bit back then so it didn't seem to bother me.  Several years ago I decided that maybe I should give it another chance, because the thyroid gland DOES affect so many other organs in your body.  I switched from Synthroid to Levothyroxine and it seems to be a better fit for my system.  I still get my blood checked once a year to make sure I have the right dosage. You also need to take it separately from certain other medications; antacids and calcium products are two examples that you should not take at the same time as thyroid medicines.  Another supplement that I learned the hard way about (many years later)....
I tend to be on the low end as far as iron goes, so I need a supplement. iron.  I supplement my system with iron since I tend to be on the low end (family trait).  However, you cannot take iron and thyroid medicines together, the iron interferes with the thyroid medicine being absorbed (wish someone would have told me that).  They suggest that you take them at least four hours apart.  I also happened to be donating blood this week, so I needed to make sure I ate lots of iron-rich foods. Molasses has iron in it, plus it helps your body absorb iron pills (my Mom also swears by Oreo cookies---which is accurate, who knew??).  That's what I love about my Mom....always coming through with wonderful and tasty advice!! I also load up on spinach, raisins, and other foods packed with iron!
 There are many good food sources for iron, but I tend to need a supplement to keep my hemoglobin levels high enough to donate blood.  I have been a blood donor since my freshman year in college.  
Good and faithful Neti Pot!!
This past week I have been feeling the pressure of my sinuses being full.  For me, it is usually the left side of my face that hurts the most.  Everyone who suffers from sinus issues will have different symptoms.  So....I have decided to do a little experiment and use my handy, dandy Neti Pot every day for a week to see if it helps.  My friend, Raj, always swore by them and even got this one for me years ago.  Once you get used to the weird feeling of warm water draining through your isn't too bad.  Just make sure that you lean over the sink far enough....otherwise (like this morning) the liquid can drain down your throat....very salty!  I will let you know how this experiment turns out!  Thanks, Raj!
And the final phase of me taking better care of myself....Waterpik!!  Now maybe the rest of you are familiar with how these contraptions work, but I was a rookie at it.  So basically the first go round ended up being more along the lines of a facial/teeth cleaning/mirror washing/counter and sink washing mess of craziness!!  It may take a few more sessions before I stop giving myself a nose enema (HEY---maybe I should put the Neti Pot water in the WaterPik and....nah, better not!!).
I added this picture to represent that point when I am going to hit the dreaded "plateau" with weight and health.  When I get to where I feel like I am at a DEAD END....I just need to keep pushing along with my program.  That's where you all come into play....holding me accountable to KEEP GOING!!! I always feel like if I have myself mentally prepared for these types of things, then I do handle them better. week is another measurement/weight week!!  Let's do this!!

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