Thursday, January 7, 2016

Getting Fit on the Cheap....Here We Go!!

Another calendar year is upon me....a sign of great things to come and a whole new slate!!  Unfortunately, some of the baggage from 2015 is hanging around my waist, jiggling on my thighs, blowing up on my hips, and all thanks to the weight that I previously lost BUT gained back during the holidays!!  Seems like a vicious cycle that happens every year!! Why do I do that to myself every year??  Maybe it is because I have a mother who is not only a fantastic cook---but LOVES to try new recipes that she finds....and mainly desserts!!!  I also scheduled a doctor's appointment on January 5th!!  I can't decide if that was a good thing (to get me motivated), or a bad thing (reality sinks in).  I would like to say that we all know how doctor's scales seem to weigh heavier....but let's be honest here....ham, turkey, cookies, mashed potatoes, desserts and many other things have crossed my lips in a holiday food frenzy filled with ALL of the trimmings!
Celebrating with Halo for 2016!
Oh me oh my!!! here's what I am thinking.  I am giving myself six months to straighten my act up, learn (or I should say---relearn) healthy eating habits, find workouts that I can do at home or outside, and basically put myself through my own boot-camp. 

What I am going to need!!!
I am am NOT going to use any weight-loss products or supplements. Also, I will not be using a personal trainer or gym membership.  This program will be completely and totally designed, implemented and sweated out by ME!!  I will be strictly using any equipment, DVD's and such that I already have on hand, or what I can find to download for FREE (apps such as Couch to 5K).  This will be my "getting fit on the cheap" experiment!!  

I am going to BLAST this weight off!! Ha!
I have some goals in my head that I plan to implement, which I will share in this edition of the blog.  I will update each week how I am progressing, what is working, what isn't, how I am adjusting or adding to my goals.  I don't intend to eliminate any particular food from my eating plan (let's just stay away from saying the "D" word), but I will try to eat more fresh and less preservative-laden foods. Portion control will also be another focus area.  
This is Monroe....he doesn't like to hear DIET OR PORTION CONTROL!!
Here are the goals that I have decided to begin this journey with:

1. Water Intake---I plan to keep my body hydrated each and every day.  I will start with a glass of water each morning (even before my beloved coffee)!!  I will make sure that I have a water container that will allow me to get my needed H20....according to the calculator (there are many online if you just Google it). This one said that I need to have 3.3 liters or 111.6 ounces each day!  Okay!
I know this isn't drinking water....but you get what I mean!
2. Eat Slowly and CHEW---I have a bad habit of eating my meals in record time (not sure if this is from being the youngest of five kids or from my teaching career where you didn't always get a long time to eat lunch).  I will NOT be the first one done eating from now on!  The guideline I found said chewing softer foods 5-10 times for each bite and for more dense food up to 30 chews.  Got it!
My healthy turkey and swiss sandwich on carb-free bread!
3. Stay Active---Thanks to my handy, dandy, trusty FITBIT, I do keep active and get 10,000+ steps in most days.  What I will aim for is 30-60 minutes of active time each day.  It is a good recommendation for adults of my young age (ha) and I will work towards that goal each day.  I'm not getting any younger, or so they tell me. There are many reasons to keep moving....heart health, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, you name it!! Let's move!
Two reasons why I want to stay healthy....grandsons!!
4. Mix It Up---I will not do the same thing day after day after day as far as workouts go.  I want to implement walking, running, biking, weights, yoga, and other forms of exercise in order to keep my metabolism up.  It also confuses the body and keeps it from getting used to just one thing (and me from getting B-O-R-E-D!).  Some days it may be that I use dancing around the house, or swimming in the pool (ahhhh I miss summer!).  Woo hoo!
Can't wait for pool time again!
5. Stay Positive---Even when it doesn't seem like I am gaining strength, feeling healthier or losing weight....I will stay positive and remember that it IS a process that takes TIME to see RESULTS!  I want positive people encouraging me, and even ME encouraging myself in a positive way (we all know about how we can be our own worst enemy)!!  I can do it!
I don't intend to give up my coffee!! Yummy!!
I will weigh myself and take measurements every two weeks and record the results.  Although I am not going to reveal what my starting weight or measurements are....let's just say that it is getting "serious", and my clothes feel like they were in the dryer for too long!!  Let me make clear that I do NOT intend to solely focus on is about feeling better, clothes feeling better on me, and eating healthier!! So...join the journey with me and let's see what happens by July 6!  Here's to better health!!!  Did I mention that I like wine?  So....CHEERS to a happy, healthy and lighter 2016!!!  I will see you back here in one week!!  I'm off to walk, run, skip, jump, lift...or something!!!
And I won't be giving up wine either...cheers!!

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