Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Personal Boot Camp: Week Three: Taking Good Care

Personal Boot Camp: Week Three: Taking Good Care: Silver....I am not too proud to admit that I am in that age category now! Well....this week I want to spend some time talking abo...

Week Three: Taking Good Care

Silver....I am not too proud to admit that I am in that age category now!
Well....this week I want to spend some time talking about taking care of myself. Some people may consider this a "selfish" topic....but if you don't do it, no one else is going to do it for you!! These Centrum "Silver" vitamins were given to me on my last birthday (54 for those who are counting) as a joke!  But I have been taking them, so I am not sure who the joke is on...them for giving them to me (and I'm using them) or me for being old enough to need them??!!  Oh well....the label does say 50+ and my birth certificate shows that I qualify!  
Yes...I DO need a daily pill box to make sure that I remember to take them!
Another pill that I take daily (not necessarily by choice) is for hypo-thyroidism.  I was diagnosed back in 1997, took every color of pill under the sun trying to get it regulated---ended up flipping me to hyper-thyroid before I finally got fed up and just quit.  I was running quite a bit back then so it didn't seem to bother me.  Several years ago I decided that maybe I should give it another chance, because the thyroid gland DOES affect so many other organs in your body.  I switched from Synthroid to Levothyroxine and it seems to be a better fit for my system.  I still get my blood checked once a year to make sure I have the right dosage. You also need to take it separately from certain other medications; antacids and calcium products are two examples that you should not take at the same time as thyroid medicines.  Another supplement that I learned the hard way about (many years later)....
I tend to be on the low end as far as iron goes, so I need a supplement. iron.  I supplement my system with iron since I tend to be on the low end (family trait).  However, you cannot take iron and thyroid medicines together, the iron interferes with the thyroid medicine being absorbed (wish someone would have told me that).  They suggest that you take them at least four hours apart.  I also happened to be donating blood this week, so I needed to make sure I ate lots of iron-rich foods. Molasses has iron in it, plus it helps your body absorb iron pills (my Mom also swears by Oreo cookies---which is accurate, who knew??).  That's what I love about my Mom....always coming through with wonderful and tasty advice!! I also load up on spinach, raisins, and other foods packed with iron!
 There are many good food sources for iron, but I tend to need a supplement to keep my hemoglobin levels high enough to donate blood.  I have been a blood donor since my freshman year in college.  
Good and faithful Neti Pot!!
This past week I have been feeling the pressure of my sinuses being full.  For me, it is usually the left side of my face that hurts the most.  Everyone who suffers from sinus issues will have different symptoms.  So....I have decided to do a little experiment and use my handy, dandy Neti Pot every day for a week to see if it helps.  My friend, Raj, always swore by them and even got this one for me years ago.  Once you get used to the weird feeling of warm water draining through your isn't too bad.  Just make sure that you lean over the sink far enough....otherwise (like this morning) the liquid can drain down your throat....very salty!  I will let you know how this experiment turns out!  Thanks, Raj!
And the final phase of me taking better care of myself....Waterpik!!  Now maybe the rest of you are familiar with how these contraptions work, but I was a rookie at it.  So basically the first go round ended up being more along the lines of a facial/teeth cleaning/mirror washing/counter and sink washing mess of craziness!!  It may take a few more sessions before I stop giving myself a nose enema (HEY---maybe I should put the Neti Pot water in the WaterPik and....nah, better not!!).
I added this picture to represent that point when I am going to hit the dreaded "plateau" with weight and health.  When I get to where I feel like I am at a DEAD END....I just need to keep pushing along with my program.  That's where you all come into play....holding me accountable to KEEP GOING!!! I always feel like if I have myself mentally prepared for these types of things, then I do handle them better. week is another measurement/weight week!!  Let's do this!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Personal Boot Camp: Week Two---Measurement Time!!!

Personal Boot Camp: Week Two---Measurement Time!!!: I am not a fan of cold case you didn't know! This is how I feel some days....haha!!  Especially during winter mo...

Week Two---Measurement Time!!!

I am not a fan of cold case you didn't know!
This is how I feel some days....haha!!  Especially during winter months when I have to bundle up so much!!  Give me good ol' summertime!!  SO...the big day arrived where I had to measure and weigh (AHHHHHHHHHH)!!!!  It was almost as bad as waiting for the winner to be announced at the awards shows.....and the Oscar goes to......ME!!  I did lose inches and weight! here is the skinny...haha!!  I measured 10 different areas on my body on January 6 and then re-measured on the 19th.  Without going into too much detail, I will say that altogether I worked off 6 1/2 inches!  Woo hoo!!!  Plus, I got on the Wii Fit and my BMI went down 0.57 and weight 4.2 pounds. The work and the changes are paying off! 
Healthier choices for food has really helped!
So now I go back and re-evaluate my goals that I have in place.  I think they are all solid and producing good results.  So I think the next two weeks will be the same program. Do I need to add any new ones??  That is the question.

What I have been thinking is that I will try to use these DVD's that I already have, and put them to good use.  On the days that it is nice outside, I will be out there.  I also know that there are days in January-March that I just will not be able to do outside workouts, so I will try these that I have on hand, or search YouTube for workout routines.  
My first attempt at cauliflower risotto....and it tasted like the real thing!

I will also keep searching and trying different recipes for healthier versions of dishes that I already enjoy, such as the risotto shown above.  Although rice isn't horribly bad for you, this version with cauliflower is healthier.  Another recipe that I want to try is the cauliflower fried rice!  I also made these....
Yes....they are like tator tots, only made from cauliflower!  I know, you're probably thinking that I've gone TOTALLY WHACK-O about cauliflower!!  But it is so versatile!!  If you haven't tried a pizza crust made with need to Google that recipe and try it!!!  Sometimes I just sprinkle cheese on it and eat it like cheesy bread sticks!  I guess I should explain here that I do this because sometimes if I eat too much of regular bread I get bloated and my joints feel swollen.  I have noticed that if I limit my intake of bread (and I do LOVE bread!) it does help with these issues.
My other tip for this edition is this: if you know that you will be going out to eat for business or pleasure, get online to check out the menu beforehand. For me, this helps me to see what my best options are (and some websites also have the calories listed) and then I can prepare myself mentally.  If I wait until I get there and then happen to be SO starved---then everything looks and sounds good...and I end up choosing a comfort food that is not so healthy.  This also is an eye-opener as to how many calories there are in some entrees.  Sometimes what I think should be fairly healthy and low-cal is actually packed with hidden calories!
I have not tried this one....but I plan to!!! 
Don't be afraid to try new foods with flavors that you may not be used to.  With so many different ethnic foods out there to experience, don't limit yourself to the same ole-same daring and try new tastes!  You never know when it will become a new favorite!  Since food trucks are so popular these days, it isn't hard to find a variety of different cuisines to try!

Okay....that's it for this week!!  Kudos to you if you are joining me on this healthy adventure!  I hope that you are having success as well!!  Until next week....happy (healthy) eating and keep working out!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Week One Done---Boot Camper Checking In!

Here I am....done with the first week of my own boot camp....still alive and kicking!! I actually didn't consider it that bad and guess what??  I'm still going strong (and feeling stronger)!!  I had a moment when I laughed as I compared my journey to the movie "The Hunger Games" (seemed appropriate!), and if you are familiar with the movie then you know that the lead character is Katniss Everdeen, and I decided I am her chubby cousin Fatniss Flabberdeen!! are some updates from the past week.
Water intake is a MUST!
I did follow all of my goals set up last time.  The water intake (goal #1) doesn't seem to be an issue for me as I have always been a water guzzler.  It also gives me a little more exercise in the middle of the night, since I have to get up at least once for a bathroom run with all that I am taking in (gotta come out sometime)!! I thirst for water during the day.
Good advice for me!!
Goal #2 was and still is, the one I have the most trouble with....eating slower and chewing more.  Ugh!!  After 54 years of that habit, I guess it is going to take me a lot longer than one week to fix it.  There are times when I am conscientious, slow down and chew my food thoroughly....and then other times I finish eating and think WHOA---where did my food go??  I'm still working on it.....chew, chew, chew, chew. S-L-O-W D-O-W-N!!!!  Maybe I need to get one of the sand timers from a game set and have it by me when I eat?  I guess I could try it!
It's worth a try!
Biking is great exercise!
The active minutes (goal #3) have not been a problem this week either.  I set my goal on FITBIT for 45 active minutes to make sure that I got the recommended 30-60 minutes.  According to the records from last week, I averaged 85 active minutes per day....almost double of what my goal was.  Score!!
30 Day Challenges that I found on Pinterest
The next goal (#4) was to mix up the workouts so that my body doesn't get used to the same thing (and so I don't get bored).  I did well with that for the most part.  It did get kind of cold and wet outside, making me find inside workouts.  I used two 30 Day Challenges that I found on Pinterest for ABS, Guns and Buns.  I also downloaded the Couch to 5K app on my phone and did it in the house (not my favorite place but hey....).  I realized that I didn't follow it right since I was only to run three days a week---I did the first two weeks already!  Oops....I may need to check out the Couch to 10K app instead. 
Bundling up for a walk outside---my husband called me the Una-bomber!
 Another thing that kept me moving is the fact that we have dogs that need to get out for a walk.  I try to get outside with them when it is dry (even if it is cold).  It is a great motivation for walking when you have a dog(s)----I'm not telling everyone to go out and get a dog, but it is a good excuse to keep moving! When those eyes stare up at you begging for a's hard to refuse!
These two like going for a daily walk to the lake.
Goal #5 was staying positive....and when you get exercise and eat better, then you feel better and it isn't hard to stay positive!  I seem to forget how much I enjoy those wonderful, amazing things called ENDORPHINS!  I have been eating healthier and making better food choices.  Not that I have totally eliminated all bad stuff (desserts, fried foods, etc)......I did have a couple of yummy brownies!  The difference is that I only had TWO---not four, five, six or....a whole pan!!  I let myself have some chips too...but not half of a bag, just a hand full!!  I also found some healthy recipes to try out, two of them are shown below.  The Dijon Sauce is amazing on chicken as well as the cabbage! Better choices!

Low-calorie, low-carb Unstuffed Cabbage was very tasty!

Cabbage with Dijon sauce and it was amazing!
I do believe that I missed adding a goal last week that I definitely believe in, so I will add it this week.  In my opinion, not only should we be working on our outside appearance, we also need to constantly be at work on our inner selves. I am not going to tell anyone else how that works for them, but for me it is my spirituality. So....

Goal #6---Reading God's Word and Prayer:  I will read the Bible and keep my prayer life strong each day.  I will make sure to take time to pay attention to all of God's beauty and blessings each day, practicing being grateful.
Big bag that doesn't cost a lot!
Another thing that I did this week is to help my colon a little by having a cleanse.  Due to my hypothyroid issues, my body struggles in certain I need to be aware of this and help it out.  I take one 0.137 mg of Levothyroxine each day, as prescribed by my doctor, but there are still many different side effects of hypothyroidism----one of which is constipation.  So, once in awhile I do an Epsom Salt cleanse (which I found online).  You may think this is a personal  discussion....but let's be real---once you have given birth to kids---you don't have any modesty left at that point.  So anyway....if you do the cleanse (which is 2 teaspoons of Epsom Salt in 8 ounces of warm water with lemon) make sure that you are near the bathroom facilities.....IF you know what I mean!!  It will get things MOVING....IF you know what I mean!!!  Do it on a weekend or when you know you will be home!  But it DOES help with the bloated feeling that I can get at times, because we do carry from 5-25 pounds from what isn't moving on through our body (and you KNOW what I mean)!! **Side note here:  if you really want to learn WAY MORE than you have ever known (or wanted to know) about feces and your colon, just Google it.  You can also see disgusting photos of Mucoid Plaque if you search...but I wouldn't suggest it.  
My little notebook that I use for a journal!
The last thing that I would suggest to you is that you journal on this journey!  I have always been a journal type person (even have some from high school) and it does help you to see your progress.  It also helps you to see what you are eating and how much you are eating.  You may be very surprised when you take the time to write it all down!  Plus you can see what is working and what isn't. did YOU do this past week???  See you next week when the first measurements come into play!! Will all of this work pay off?  We shall see.....

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Getting Fit on the Cheap....Here We Go!!

Another calendar year is upon me....a sign of great things to come and a whole new slate!!  Unfortunately, some of the baggage from 2015 is hanging around my waist, jiggling on my thighs, blowing up on my hips, and all thanks to the weight that I previously lost BUT gained back during the holidays!!  Seems like a vicious cycle that happens every year!! Why do I do that to myself every year??  Maybe it is because I have a mother who is not only a fantastic cook---but LOVES to try new recipes that she finds....and mainly desserts!!!  I also scheduled a doctor's appointment on January 5th!!  I can't decide if that was a good thing (to get me motivated), or a bad thing (reality sinks in).  I would like to say that we all know how doctor's scales seem to weigh heavier....but let's be honest here....ham, turkey, cookies, mashed potatoes, desserts and many other things have crossed my lips in a holiday food frenzy filled with ALL of the trimmings!
Celebrating with Halo for 2016!
Oh me oh my!!! here's what I am thinking.  I am giving myself six months to straighten my act up, learn (or I should say---relearn) healthy eating habits, find workouts that I can do at home or outside, and basically put myself through my own boot-camp. 

What I am going to need!!!
I am am NOT going to use any weight-loss products or supplements. Also, I will not be using a personal trainer or gym membership.  This program will be completely and totally designed, implemented and sweated out by ME!!  I will be strictly using any equipment, DVD's and such that I already have on hand, or what I can find to download for FREE (apps such as Couch to 5K).  This will be my "getting fit on the cheap" experiment!!  

I am going to BLAST this weight off!! Ha!
I have some goals in my head that I plan to implement, which I will share in this edition of the blog.  I will update each week how I am progressing, what is working, what isn't, how I am adjusting or adding to my goals.  I don't intend to eliminate any particular food from my eating plan (let's just stay away from saying the "D" word), but I will try to eat more fresh and less preservative-laden foods. Portion control will also be another focus area.  
This is Monroe....he doesn't like to hear DIET OR PORTION CONTROL!!
Here are the goals that I have decided to begin this journey with:

1. Water Intake---I plan to keep my body hydrated each and every day.  I will start with a glass of water each morning (even before my beloved coffee)!!  I will make sure that I have a water container that will allow me to get my needed H20....according to the calculator (there are many online if you just Google it). This one said that I need to have 3.3 liters or 111.6 ounces each day!  Okay!
I know this isn't drinking water....but you get what I mean!
2. Eat Slowly and CHEW---I have a bad habit of eating my meals in record time (not sure if this is from being the youngest of five kids or from my teaching career where you didn't always get a long time to eat lunch).  I will NOT be the first one done eating from now on!  The guideline I found said chewing softer foods 5-10 times for each bite and for more dense food up to 30 chews.  Got it!
My healthy turkey and swiss sandwich on carb-free bread!
3. Stay Active---Thanks to my handy, dandy, trusty FITBIT, I do keep active and get 10,000+ steps in most days.  What I will aim for is 30-60 minutes of active time each day.  It is a good recommendation for adults of my young age (ha) and I will work towards that goal each day.  I'm not getting any younger, or so they tell me. There are many reasons to keep moving....heart health, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, you name it!! Let's move!
Two reasons why I want to stay healthy....grandsons!!
4. Mix It Up---I will not do the same thing day after day after day as far as workouts go.  I want to implement walking, running, biking, weights, yoga, and other forms of exercise in order to keep my metabolism up.  It also confuses the body and keeps it from getting used to just one thing (and me from getting B-O-R-E-D!).  Some days it may be that I use dancing around the house, or swimming in the pool (ahhhh I miss summer!).  Woo hoo!
Can't wait for pool time again!
5. Stay Positive---Even when it doesn't seem like I am gaining strength, feeling healthier or losing weight....I will stay positive and remember that it IS a process that takes TIME to see RESULTS!  I want positive people encouraging me, and even ME encouraging myself in a positive way (we all know about how we can be our own worst enemy)!!  I can do it!
I don't intend to give up my coffee!! Yummy!!
I will weigh myself and take measurements every two weeks and record the results.  Although I am not going to reveal what my starting weight or measurements are....let's just say that it is getting "serious", and my clothes feel like they were in the dryer for too long!!  Let me make clear that I do NOT intend to solely focus on is about feeling better, clothes feeling better on me, and eating healthier!! So...join the journey with me and let's see what happens by July 6!  Here's to better health!!!  Did I mention that I like wine?  So....CHEERS to a happy, healthy and lighter 2016!!!  I will see you back here in one week!!  I'm off to walk, run, skip, jump, lift...or something!!!
And I won't be giving up wine either...cheers!!