Friday, June 17, 2016

Personal Boot Camp: Triathlon Training and Jack L.

Personal Boot Camp: Triathlon Training and Jack L.: Well well well....the season of summer food has begun at our house...and I LOVE it!!!!  The photo above is our first tomato from the ...

Triathlon Training and Jack L.

Well well well....the season of summer food has begun at our house...and I LOVE it!!!!  The photo above is our first tomato from the garden!!  There is nothing better than the taste of homegrown fruits and vegetables, is there??  It is so refreshing and when you have fresh tomatoes from your garden..... of our favorite ways to serve them is Caprice Salad! It is sliced tomatoes topped with fresh mozzarella, basil (from the garden) and balsamic vinegar!  Yum!! I have also planted peppers, cabbage, horseradish, strawberries, okra, zucchini, and have lots of mint and other herbs growing!! Rains earlier in the season have made it a great year so far....and now we have the heat!!  For me, it is so much easier to eat healthier in the summer months when you can get fresh produce. I know some people live in areas that they can have them year round....unfortunately---I don't!
Changing topics (DING!) daughter and I decided that we would do a triathlon in August...which means I need to get my rear in gear to be prepared!!  I copied this six week training schedule off and have been trying to stick with it.  I took off on a nine mile bike ride on Monday and WOO WEE....I am outta shape!!!! The first lap around the 5K lake trail I was thinking "oh yeah, I can do problem"; lap two I was still thinking "okay...this isn't so bad"; lap three I had to stop a couple of times in the shade to make sure that I didn't pass out or fall over!!  Yeah....I need more training!  And I don't know if you know what it is like to get off of a bike and try to walk or run, but they call it "brick feet"....for a reason!! To make matters worse, I forgot to fill my water bottle. If any of you out there have some tips for a first timer doing a triathlon....bring it on!!!  
Yes....I gave blood again and my iron levels were very high--thanks to some intense iron training beforehand!  Raisins, spinach, iron pills taken with molasses---all of the tricks I could think of!  It worked and I got a cool shirt AND free zoo tickets!!  Then I found out that my blood donation was sent to Orlando after that tragedy occurred there. I have had people thank me for donating blood and I have really never thought too much about it....but now I understand the importance of donating!!
Remember all of that yard work I have been doing...almost 100 bags of mulch, pulling weeds, making new trails, transplanting and planting flowers and such??  So I thought it would be nice to have some solar lights in the pathways....found some cheap ones (luckily) at a couple of stores.  They worked like a charm....UNTIL....someone thought it would be fun to chew on them!  At first my husband blamed Halo, our other Frenchie, but one day when I was out pulling weeds I heard this "crunch crunch crunch" and when I looked up....the culprit was Monroe munching on my solar light!!  I got more exercise chasing him down to get the lights...and also taking the solar lights up---for now!
And remember that heat wave I was talking about??  I have been trying to get the walks in earlier so it isn't too warm for my two four-legged kids.  I swear we only walked for about 10 minutes and it was overcast...but that humidity just saps it out of you, right?  It is even more important in this type of weather to stay drink more water!! I have never been a big fan of those sports drinks such as Gatorade, just give me water!!  It is really important to drink lots, especially when working out or being in the heat.

I also made a decision to think about doing some of the "old-school" workouts or exercises instead of Pilates, Plyometrics, and whatever new ideas are out there. People of my age may remember one of the first gurus of fitness, sometimes referred to as "the Godfather of fitness".....
Jack LaLanne!!  He lived to be 96 years old!  He described himself as a "sugarholic and junk food junkie" until the age of 15 when he listened to a lecture about nutrition....interestingly enough, he also had behavior and health problems until he changed his diet. 

Jack also believed that over-processed foods were making people unhealthy...and that was back in the 1940's, if not earlier!  So anyway....I have been watching his old videos on YouTube...and I have to say that although I catch myself giggling at some of the moves (and those slippers!!) he does give me a good workout.  So I will see how the Jack L. program helps me out for a few weeks!!  Who can argue with a guy that at the age of 54 beat a 21-year-old Arnold Schwarzenegger at body building?!
This made me I guess I need to eat right before I do the sit-ups!! Haha!!  I remember watching his shows years ago!  So now, thanks to the beauty of YouTube....I can enjoy them once more!!!  Okay, folks....I will check back in a few weeks and tell you if Jack and I are compatible!!  Happy Independence Day!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Personal Boot Camp: Wagons HO.....

Personal Boot Camp: Wagons HO.....: I am BACK again folks.....I know it has been a while and I do apologize.  I have been recovering from my HUMONGOUS, MASSIVE fall off o...

Wagons HO.....

I am BACK again folks.....I know it has been a while and I do apologize.  I have been recovering from my HUMONGOUS, MASSIVE fall off of the fitness wagon!!  OUCH!!  I'm going to be honest.....I was doing so well and then a few events kind of threw me for a loop and I flat out did NOT feel like eating healthy or doing the exercise workouts.  Thankfully, I did still manage to keep walking.  I am back on track, but I have not weighed myself nor have I checked measurements.  Let's just wait a bit on that one.
Melissa riding behind me on the little pink scooter.
One event that really threw me into a downward spiral as far as eating was concerned is the unexpected loss of a good friend.  Melissa was such a sweetheart and she was lost on the night of her birthday.  I don't know how any of you handle it, but when things like this happen that rock me to the core.....I need my comfort food.  I had some mashed potatoes, a good burger, and other goodies that I had been avoiding while on track.  Food has always been a comfort for me in times of stress or sadness.  I wish I could just go exercise or do something healthier, but it is an old habit that I fall back on. I just hope that my buddy is now at peace and watching over us from Above!!
This picture of my dog Halo is about how I felt when I fell off of the wagon in a HUGE way.  But, as most people will tell you....make a U-turn and get back on track without beating yourself up too much.  Life happens and we have to learn to adjust our sails when things happen beyond our control.  I would like to think that I won't do that again when something happens....but I am not making any promises.
Zipping out from the 70 foot tower!  Weeeeeee.....
So....another thing that happened was a trip to Branson for a motorcycle meeting.  Too much good food there (not the healthy kind either)...such as fried green tomatoes, fried catfish, roast beef sandwiches, sweet potato fries....the list goes on.  
This was an amazing and fun adventure!!
The good news is that we actually did some activities that involved walking, climbing, zipping, hanging upside down on a cord, laughing, and having fun!!
The ladies and husbands at the end of the ziplines....guides are in front in orange shirts.
The guys in the front were our guides....and they had no idea what they were getting into when seven women showed up for the hour and a half zipline adventure.  It ended up taking us two hours to get through the seven ziplines and three wooden bridges....and WHAT FUN!!!!!  If you ever get to Branson, you MUST check out the Adventure Ziplines!!  And ask for Paul and Bruce to guide you (if they are not in therapy from our group)!!!!
Dancing with Liverpool Legends!!
The other adventure that we checked out was the Liverpool Legends Show....four guys who imitate The Beatles!  They were awesome....and I got to dance on stage with them during Twist and Shout!!  That's exercise, right???
So now I am back to hard labor in the backyard....still putting down mulch and pulling weeds.  This is an area that previously did not have a path through it does!!  Oh yeah....another way to lose weight besides hard yard work is when you see a SNAKE!!  
Not my favorite thing to find on my patio!
 Talk about getting your heart rate up!!!  YIKES!!!  Luckily my husband took it from the patio and delivered it to another location and it hopefully will not come back!  The dogs and I were both FREAKING!!
This is Monroe....he is still waiting for the snake to come back.  If it hadn't been for both dogs raising a ruckus....I would never have known it was on our patio!! Monroe and Halo keep all wild animals and cats or squirrels out of their backyard domain!! newest goal is to eat more fruit.  That has always been my downfall when it comes to eating healthy.  I like certain fruits but I do not eat enough servings throughout the day.  I do love strawberries and pineapple!!  That will help me get back on track as well.  Luckily...summer is the BEST time for fruits and veggies that are fresh!!  Our garden is going to be full of yummy goodness too!!
I am also hoping that having our pool open again will help with fitness for me.  I do like to swim and can do workouts in the pool when it gets too hot. Okay folks...sorry for the disappearing act and also for the wagon situation....I am BACK ON TRACK!!!  Until next time....I'm steering clear of the wagon!!!!!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Personal Boot Camp: The View From the Plateau....

Personal Boot Camp: The View From the Plateau....: Hey hey hey....Yes, I am still among the living....but have been busy the last couple of weeks!!  I apologize for those who have been ...

The View From the Plateau....

Hey hey hey....Yes, I am still among the living....but have been busy the last couple of weeks!!  I apologize for those who have been anxiously awaiting the latest blog installment!  Ha!  I had several appointments and then I took a week to spend with my Mom in Kansas and delivered many flowers from my backyard!  On my way to deliver I started on the 2016 Red Nose Tour.  Walgreen Stores have these red noses for sale to help fight childhood poverty.  You wear the nose and take pictures and post on their website.  This picture by the miniature Statue of Liberty is between Portis and Smith Center, Kansas.  
World famous Big Ball of Twine!
And of course, I had to take one with the famous Ball of Twine in Cawker City!  I'm kind of getting used to the red nose and even think it is flattering---it makes my face look thinner.  Right??  So....back to the fitness part of the blog.  I did take measurements yesterday and although I have not had the time to do the 30 Day Challenge workouts lately due to yard work, I still had lost half an inch.  That is just amazing considering that I had not been able to focus as much on the fitness and healthy eating part as much as I did when I started out.  And then there is my Mom who does this to me....
Coconut Cream Pie....mmmmm!!
Yeah....that was a freshly baked Coconut Cream worse weakness (not going to call it enemy because something that amazing just isn't), plus she also made a Lemon Meringue one.  Did I mention the part about it just being for the two of us?? Thanks, Mom!!!  It was not even going to be possible for me to resist way.  On a positive note, Mom and I did decide to have salads so that we could allow for the pie!!
Aunt Corine's Italian Stuffed Artichokes.
My husband also got into the act by making a childhood dish that his grandmother, aunts and mom used to make....stuffed artichokes, otherwise known as some Italian name that I can't pronounce correctly....Cacocciula.  Thanks Aunt Corine!!  After reading about all of the health benefits of artichokes, I think it would be a good one to add to the weekly list.  Plus it's a good workout while eating them, and you can't eat them fast!! Full of fiber and vitamins, it also packs a good antioxidant punch---it is #7 on the USDA top 20 anti-oxidant list!!  Who knew??
Chloe is so cute!
Not Chloe...that's for sure!!  This is the famous (well maybe now famous) goat that lives near the Big Ball of Twine.  She belongs to a friend of mine.  My guess is that she would love artichokes, even though her favorite foods are Smartie candies, Sweet tarts, chips and cereal.  She may need to join me on this healthy lifestyle or at least add some artichokes to off-set that sugar rush!!
Very cool magazine.
I had the job of cleaning out in the basement of my childhood home last week as well.  That gave me a great workout going up and down the steps and sweeping and hauling bags out.  There were some treasures, such as this Saturday Evening Post magazine from 1942----price was one dime!  Very cool to look through it and see how things have changed....OH HOW MUCH they have changed!!
Crazy clowns!
Did I mention that I brought home about a dozen of the noses??  These are classmates from high school (and honorary spousal classmates) when we gathered to eat some Fajitas cooked on a farm implement disc. An awesome way to cook meats, veggies, eggs, and other things PLUS it is healthy food. 
This is Lefty smiling for the camera at mammogram!
Did you ever feel as if your body (and/or organs) are trying to declare mutiny on you??  In the last couple of weeks I have had my dental cavities (yay); then I had my yearly checkup (the dreaded Pap) issues there (yay); had fasting blood work to check my thyroid and also my cholesterol.....not so good.  The T-4 was normal in my thyroid, but the TSH level was high---which means that the Adrenal Glands are producing TSH but my thyroid gland isn't responding.  Also, my cholesterol was 225--with the bad one (I get them all confused) in the normal range, but since the overall number is high....I have to go back in three months to have them both checked.  Then I had a mammogram because I had accidentally skipped it last year (oops!!)....and of course there was a problem with Lefty.  So I had to go back for more pictures.  Talk about a fun time!!  But after multiple views and also an ultrasound on Lefty....she was deemed okay for now and I go back in six months to have it rechecked!!  Come on kids....we need to all work together and be healthy in order for my body to function!!!  
Grilled burger with onions and garlic topped with guacamole!

So when that all happens, I turn to one of my favorite meals.....a grilled burger topped with homemade guacamole!!  Sometimes you just need to reward yourself for making it through all of the yearly checkups!!!  Hope you are doing well on your own healthy journey!!  I still have about two and a half months before my deadline.  Keep working and keep smiling!!!!

Friday, April 1, 2016

Personal Boot Camp: 12 Weeks In....Keeping On!!

Personal Boot Camp: 12 Weeks In....Keeping On!!: Added red mulch to the side of our house...and some in the front as well. Wow....hard to believe that for three months now I have be...